I struggle with perfectionism. Everything I do must be done just right, or my internal critique sessions are bitter and harsh. When I was in school, I hated working in groups because I had such high standards that no one, including myself, could possibly meet them, so I ended up frustrated and feeling like a failure. Partly pride, partly fear, perfectionism is a denial of our own humanity. We all make mistakes. We all sin. God is perfect. I am not, no matter how hard I strive to reach the place where I no longer mess up. That doesn’t mean I quit growing, but I do need to accept my shortcomings.
Recently I was researching gemstones and came across an interesting bit of information. I’ve always been fascinated by rocks and minerals. Our Creator fashioned such astounding beauty when He could have simply made one kind of rock and colored them all a similar hue, perhaps a dull brown. But instead, He created a dazzling rainbow of rocks and minerals, from the flashing ruby to the dark, brooding obsidian. One of my favorites is Labradorite, a mineral found in igneous rock and first discovered in Labrador, Canada. It is often blueish green and iridescent. In fact, it is so unique that the light it emits has its own name; labradorescence.
Precious gem like diamonds and emeralds are prized for their flawlessness. A perfectly faceted diamond is extremely expensive and a single imperfection ruins it. On the other hand, the more imperfections that are found in a Labradorite, the more beautiful it is. Light reflects from the heart of the mineral and glows as it comes in contact with these flaws, causing the labradorescent effect.
Just like us. The broken places inside us are where the light of Jesus can shine through and illuminate the work He is doing in us. I need to be willing to allow those flaws to show. To bear the scrutiny of others. To step back and let Him shine. Those who are wise will shine like the brightness of the heavens, and those who lead many to righteousness (will shine) like the stars for ever and ever. (Daniel 12:3)
Instead of working so hard to hide my failures, I can learn to rest in God. I can hand all my wounds to Him and let Him touch the scars and make them glow.
Let your light shine before others, that they may see your good deeds and glorify your Father in heaven. (Matt: 5:16)
May we shine for Him!