Like the fading light, I melt away from the distractions of day and welcome the coolness and mystery of darkness. Adventure lies in wait beyond the deepening hollows of shadow- who knows what path is hidden in the caverns tucked out of sight by the dark? A stirring of excitement tingles, and I am not afraid.
Inspiration floats in on the quiet tides of dusk, twining through my mind like seaweed softly drifting. The hectic world dims and the blanket of dark descends. Peace. I relax, letting my gaze sift through the layers of black. Close by is the charcoal of night, settling like fog on the things I can see. Farther on it is darker; inky and thicker. A few lights penetrate- lightning bugs flashing and stars twinkling from the velvet sky.
Cool waves of refreshment wash over me as the twilight lowers and the night birds call from the trees. The night is friendly, comforting, and I am not afraid.
This is my time. My time of rejuvenation. My time of calm. My time to let imagination roam free, unhindered by the realities of bright daylight. The shadows shift gently as the sliver of moon rolls across the heavens, and I see possibilities. I see thoughts set free from the cares of the day. I see dreams come to life again, and I am not afraid.
